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During our Sustainability workshops, a number of staff including our Chairman, Simon Dykes wanted to move forward with supporting a Local Community at this time of year.

Warington ODAT (Open Door at Christmas) is a local community project, which is not government funded, therefore purely run by volunteers.

Warrington Open Door at Christmas started in 1991 in response to increased concerns and awareness of the rise in homelessness and isolation in Warrington, especially over the Christmas period.

They are run completely by volunteers who help to offer refreshments, meals, toiletries, friendship and social activities.  We also provide our guests with food parcels and good quality warm clothing such as hats, scarves, gloves and jumpers.

Their aim is to offer a warm and welcoming environment to all those who are homeless, alone or vulnerable at this often difficult time of year.

Staff at Haydock Commercials head office depot in Omega, offered support by donating warm clothing.  We also assisted with the donation of a van on the 20th December, which helped transport goods from their local church to their depot to give out to those in need.

If you would like to donate to this local community, please see their facebook page @warringtonopendooratchristmas 
